NCAA Basketball Game Predictor


young brian basketball

Love for the Game

Since I started playing competively in the third grade, I knew that basketball was the one sport that I completely connected with. It was the only sport that I felt I was really good at and also enjoyed. Now I am much older, and only play the occasional pickup game at the gym or playground. However, like most hoop fans, young and old, I still enjoy watching the game and living vicariously through the amazing athletes at the college and pro levels.

About this Site

The idea for this site came to me when I was filling out my 2023 NCAA Men's Division I Tournament Bracket. I was analyzing the KenPom data and thought it would be useful to somehow have a convenient way to compare the statistics between each team.

As any serious tournament fan knows, there has never been a recorded perfect bracket, and there is definitely not an exact science to pick the winners of each game. Upsets happen frequenlty in the Tournament, and besides stats, other factors like injuries, player and personnel issues, travel time, homecourt advantage and so on and so on...can have a profound effect on the outcome of each game.

My hope is that this site gives you the confidence to fill out your bracket as an informed fan who has done their research. If you have any feedback and/or suggestions, please visit the feedback page and drop me a line. Thanks for visiting. --Brian Kidd